The Ceremony of the II stage Closing of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad took place in KhNURE on the 21-st of March. During the Ceremony, the First Vice-Rector of KNURE, professor Ihor Ruban, commonly with colleagues and representatives of partner companies of the event Turkish Airlines, SoftServe, ProfITSoft, P-Product, TechConsult Ukraine and ” Society of Radio Friends” awarded victors and prize winners.
It should be noted that among the five Specialties by which the Competition took place, the KhNURE students won four first places and one second place:
Nebrat V.V. – the first place “Radio Electronic Equipment and Tools”
Radchenko Ya.O. – the first place “Automated Complexes of Radio-Electronic Productions”
Kuzma E.A. – the first place “Computer Science”
Yunoshev D.E. – the first place “Metrology and Measuring Technique” Laposhyna O.K. – the second place “Radio Engineering”