The Department of Information Control Systems has been providing a high-quality level of training of the specialists during a lot of years in accordance with the requirements of the enterprises and the organizations ranging from the electrical engineer to the computer systems analyst during a lot of years.
The fundament of such success was the training of high-qualified specialists in the postgraduate and the doctoral training, which allowed to form a solid personnel potential not only at the Department but also at the Faculty of Computer Sciences and the University in general.
The professors of the Department constantly increase their scientific and pedagogical level because of constantly increasing requirements to the level of the training of the specialists. They constantly improve the methodological and material support, create new laboratories, publish textbooks and educational guides.
Head of the Department ICS
Levykin Viktor Makarovych
The high status of the Department is strengthened by the participation of the lecturers, the scientists and the students in international and domestic scientific conferences and exhibitions, by the publication of scientific articles and reports.
The Department of Information Control Systems consists of 6 professors (4 of them are Doctors of Technical Sciences), 7 Associate Professors and 3 Assistant Professors. They are qualified teachers with high scientific qualification and a great scientific and pedagogical experience. They give their knowledge to the young people who have joined the pedagogical staff of the Department after graduating from the University.
The staff of the Department takes part in the educational process at the other Faculties, prepare students of the Extra-Mural Education Department; postgraduate education with components of distance learning is organized.
The Department prepares and holds the Olympiads by the disciplines of the Speciality. 4 students’ courses work.
An essential part of the Department’s work is also the preparation of the textbooks and the methodical publications for the provision of the educational process. The staff of the Department takes part in the development of the methodological materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.